Sunday 1 May 2011

my photos

Final textures used:




For my final work i picked the hypothesis :
Experimentation can involve many levels, literally and physically such as works involving gravity and attraction or even psychologically whilst under hypnosis

the reasoning behind my shapes as to how they are relevent to the ideas of testing a hypothesis:

·         Every object has its own force of attraction- experiments such as  those in gravitation  (as gravity is the force of attraction between objects) – many different platforms of different heights to test the effects of weight of the speed of an object or the attraction like Galileo's experiment and landscape wise it is conveniently located next to slopes cutting into the platforms reminiscent of Newton’s experiment into the force of attraction of a hill by rolling different objects
·         The mind has another level when under hypnosis-  to test such a theory involving levels of the mind a large building or space would be required
·         The levels even work to reflect the experiments tested the top story to reflect on the new higher levels the mind can reach while under hypnosis while Newton has the lower story in testing the forces of attraction of objects which reflects on ideas of gravity and falling

I took the photos to illustrate these different levels, literally in the 3 levels of the 2 studios and the platform and in a more symbolic way the levels of difference of the works of my clients which I used different times of day to highlight.

in these images focusing on the upper level of freuds studio I looked at the way it would recieve natural light which would be important psychologically to the experiment as well as a view of the surrounding landscape to show the view for the clients.

I used some artificial lighting to highlight the differences between the spaces in Newtons lab and to emphasise the different platforms which are relevant to his experiments
A view of the entire building

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