Wednesday 15 June 2011


I hope this works


2 point perspectives

Final work

The ideas that I reflect on in my final environment are, the ideas of power in terms of influence, the media and a public image. Both Lady gaga and Oprah have incredible amounts of power through both their wealth and their considerable influence. Oprah's image is built on ideas of struggling against poverty and adversity, of being an inspiration and drawing in audiences with empathy honesty and emotive stories it is this idea of revealing oneself. Lady gaga is also associated with revealing herself but more in a physical sense through wacky outfits and constantly reinventing herself. This is reflected in my table and the meeting point. It is located on the tallest building in my landscape looking down on the rest of the hillside/city this is a rather blunt way of showing their dominance and power. the table shows this contrast between them with Oprah's side having a softer curve to show to represent her television program which is known to try and stay away from controversial topics in favour of more easy to digest subjects. Lady Gagas side has a harsher edge which is less practical- it is not efficient but will stand out reflecting Lady Gagas choice of costume and image.

They are surrounded by cameras- a decoration and recording device to show how exposed these women are to the public and to reflect on ideas of the paparazzi in Lady gagas case and in Oprah's, the discussion of personal issues (both hers and her guests) on public television

                                                         how Oprah's lift moves

Lady Gagas lift 

                                                                      Oprah's office

                                                                       Gagas office
                                                                   The landscape

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Review by Peers

Oprah Office

Oprah lift

For my lift for Oprah I reflect on the idea of a stage and the appeal of Oprah as both open and honest.  

Gaga Office

I used the "edgy" facade, bright colours and the photo of Lady Gaga on the building to explore the idea of 'what grabs the public's attention?' maybe through exploring this question we can better understand the idea of power in terms of attention, fame and the idea of 'an image'.


Sunday 12 June 2011

The Lift- Lady Gaga

I was inspired by an outfit Lady Gaga wore, or rather the lack of an outfit and chose this image to explore the concept that 'sex sells' as does the idea of being 'edgy' and 'different' all of which are used in this 'duct tape bra'. It is through stunts like this that I see Lady Gagas power lies. She is in a way playing it safe- how so? By being over the top! In this attention (not to mention media) grabbing tactic. I explored this through a seemingly simple yet controversial design.

Daria definition of edgy:
"As far as I can make out, edgy occurs when middlebrow, middle-aged profiteers are looking to suck the energy -- not to mention the spending money -- out of the "youth culture." So they come up with this fake concept of seeming to be dangerous when every move they make is the result of market research and a corporate master plan."- Daria 

The inside is a stage and the outside is glass to show  Lady Gagas exposure to the media. 

The Bridge

The bridge snakes around the landscape

Sunday 29 May 2011


draft landscape- sort of dead
more alive 
no land just water- and then the idea of hills made of buildings- reference to flooding

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Rough sketchup of hills

Inspiration for bridge

The Outfits of Lady Gaga as inspiration

The set of Oprahs show- particularly for inspiration for the table and meeting point

The Idea for the site

For my Crysis Landscape I have been influenced by 2 environments: A natural Italian valley and the urban landscape of New York city. I have combined various elements from these 2 sites through emulating the idea of hills or the natural landscape through the shape of the buildings in my ‘city’ which I will then flood to make this landscape dramatic and intense like Lady Gaga who has ties to both Italy and New York. Through this I am commenting on the works of my clients as entertainers by grabbing attention as Lady Gaga can be seen to do by being seemingly ‘edgy’ or controversial as the work can be seen as a comment on overdevelopment, globalisation and the power of individuals through their depiction by the media in a consumer culture. The client Oprah is also catered for in this harshly contrasting environment as it can be seen as a reflection of  the contrast of her early life which was fraught with adversity and poverty to her now success as this great change and overcoming such hardships can be seen to add to her influence in the confession talkshow genre which she has had such power over. 

Sunday 22 May 2011


The Clients

Experiment 3

Choose a specific business from two of the three clients listed above and create an architecture consisting of three spaces. Two of the spaces should be located in a bridge that spans a valley. The valley should be inspired by a landscape from one of the clients country of origin (so while it is custom designed by each student the valley has a strong connection to a real place in the world). The spaces in the bridge are the clients offices (imagine they actually run their business' from there). The third space, on the valley floor, is a place for your clients to meet for a working lunch. Design two elevators to transport your clients to the meeting space and a table around which to meet that reinforces or challenges your particular understanding of "Power".

Sunday 1 May 2011


I had a little trouble downloading the link so I did so on 2 different file sharing sites in case one doesnt work

my photos

Final textures used:




For my final work i picked the hypothesis :
Experimentation can involve many levels, literally and physically such as works involving gravity and attraction or even psychologically whilst under hypnosis

the reasoning behind my shapes as to how they are relevent to the ideas of testing a hypothesis:

·         Every object has its own force of attraction- experiments such as  those in gravitation  (as gravity is the force of attraction between objects) – many different platforms of different heights to test the effects of weight of the speed of an object or the attraction like Galileo's experiment and landscape wise it is conveniently located next to slopes cutting into the platforms reminiscent of Newton’s experiment into the force of attraction of a hill by rolling different objects
·         The mind has another level when under hypnosis-  to test such a theory involving levels of the mind a large building or space would be required
·         The levels even work to reflect the experiments tested the top story to reflect on the new higher levels the mind can reach while under hypnosis while Newton has the lower story in testing the forces of attraction of objects which reflects on ideas of gravity and falling

I took the photos to illustrate these different levels, literally in the 3 levels of the 2 studios and the platform and in a more symbolic way the levels of difference of the works of my clients which I used different times of day to highlight.

in these images focusing on the upper level of freuds studio I looked at the way it would recieve natural light which would be important psychologically to the experiment as well as a view of the surrounding landscape to show the view for the clients.

I used some artificial lighting to highlight the differences between the spaces in Newtons lab and to emphasise the different platforms which are relevant to his experiments
A view of the entire building