Saturday 26 March 2011


links to videos on youtube

Staircase 1


I chose this one (bottem left hand corner above) to develop

I also chose the one (above right hand corner above) as my other draft


Ground textures:
colourful, hollow, smooth, fissured, matt, fluid, shaggy , ripped, fibrous
Below textures:
rough, strength, hard, rough, dense, cold, raw, bumpy,spikey, aged,compact, full, retired

above textures:

spongy, plyable, frail, rich, soft, delicate, translucent, warm, elegant, reflective, bright, geometric, porous, p

below- full was chosen

above-frail was chosen

ground-shaggy was chosen

a link to 3D warehouse

My final staircases

my final building for the datum

Tuesday 1 March 2011

A: A painting from my year 12 body of work “Art has no prejudice” depicting my young cousins painting. It is acrylic paint on canvas and was painted from photographs and life and i tried to mimick the style and some forms from my cousins works. 

B: The construction of the House of Jacques Coeur (Bourges France) began in 1443 and was referred to by Coeur as his "grande maison". The building surrounds a courftyard.

C:  For something which is beautiful I have chosen eyes. I find the differences and similarities between different pairs of eyes beautiful as no matter the diversity between pairs in colour and shape I have never seen a pair of eyes I haven't liked.