Wednesday 15 June 2011


I hope this works


2 point perspectives

Final work

The ideas that I reflect on in my final environment are, the ideas of power in terms of influence, the media and a public image. Both Lady gaga and Oprah have incredible amounts of power through both their wealth and their considerable influence. Oprah's image is built on ideas of struggling against poverty and adversity, of being an inspiration and drawing in audiences with empathy honesty and emotive stories it is this idea of revealing oneself. Lady gaga is also associated with revealing herself but more in a physical sense through wacky outfits and constantly reinventing herself. This is reflected in my table and the meeting point. It is located on the tallest building in my landscape looking down on the rest of the hillside/city this is a rather blunt way of showing their dominance and power. the table shows this contrast between them with Oprah's side having a softer curve to show to represent her television program which is known to try and stay away from controversial topics in favour of more easy to digest subjects. Lady Gagas side has a harsher edge which is less practical- it is not efficient but will stand out reflecting Lady Gagas choice of costume and image.

They are surrounded by cameras- a decoration and recording device to show how exposed these women are to the public and to reflect on ideas of the paparazzi in Lady gagas case and in Oprah's, the discussion of personal issues (both hers and her guests) on public television

                                                         how Oprah's lift moves

Lady Gagas lift 

                                                                      Oprah's office

                                                                       Gagas office
                                                                   The landscape

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Review by Peers

Oprah Office

Oprah lift

For my lift for Oprah I reflect on the idea of a stage and the appeal of Oprah as both open and honest.  

Gaga Office

I used the "edgy" facade, bright colours and the photo of Lady Gaga on the building to explore the idea of 'what grabs the public's attention?' maybe through exploring this question we can better understand the idea of power in terms of attention, fame and the idea of 'an image'.